Monday, November 09, 2009

Our Story Changes :: Acts 21

Paul knew it: there was trouble ahead. Everywhere he went he heard God Himself warning him. Trouble’s comin’.

Others sensed it too. Not just a gut feeling; God Himself told them. It’s going to get rough for Paul.

And then this prophet named Agabus walks up to Paul and shows him how he’ll be arrested. Just in case Paul needs details.

At this everyone - even Paul’s companions – lose it. “Don’t go!” they say, their eyes big and earnest.

Paul’s response silences them: “Why are you breaking my heart? I’m ready to be bound or to die...”

How do you get to this place? How do you come face-to-face with the fact that you’re going to get hurt but keep moving forward?

You embrace a Bigger Story as your own. You take your personal story with your pain and your death and you surrender it to God’s Story. You let your story become part of that Story.

Because God’s story is about resurrection. And when resurrection meets our life, our story changes.

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