Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holy Spirit, Holy Suffering, part 1

Like the green spot we missed when painting our bedroom baby blue... Like the 3 or 4 rock chips in my windshield... Like the sound of the train rolling though town... There are some things that are always there, so you hardly notice them.

But if you approach the familiar at face value and take it all in with new eyes, suddenly, it’s conspicuous.

Two themes in Acts that have existed quietly in the background of nearly every story but jump off the page if you’re honest: The Holy Spirit and suffering.

God's Spirit is everywhere - interacting with people as the main character of the story.

And everywhere - Christians are suffering.

At the same time.

Holy Spirit and suffering.

I have to re-read whole pages because I'm surprised at how often the two go together. Makes me wonder: are they connected?

This I know: we don't suffer much as a direct result of our faith today. But neither are we especially spiritually empowered.

And I know this: The Holy Spirit draws near in times of suffering. So near, sometimes, that suffering can feel…holy.

Because God is there.

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