Sunday, January 06, 2008

good stories for 2008

Donald Miller paraphrases Robert McKee's book, Story, and argues that all good stories include the same essential elements whether they're on paper, on screens, or in real life. Meaning, who we are (as the lead characters in our story) matters, what we do (the plot of our story) matters, and how we handle conflict matters.

Which leaves me asking, "What will I do, this year, that is truly worthwhile?" Or, in Miller's words, "What story will I write with my life this year?" What ambition or dream will fuel my life this year?

Here are some storylines being developed in my life which would certainly be worthwhile:
  • teach my kids (demonstrate) how to follow God in the face of adversity
  • build confidence into my kids and spouse
  • lead our community towards increased health and effectiveness

Friday, January 04, 2008