Sunday, August 30, 2009

full family worship @ emmaus

Team-taught with Kathryn today. She read and narrated from Acts 16 and I tried to draw pictures to illustrate. It was great having all the kids in with us for a back-to-school, full-family Sunday. Here's an excerpt from today's teaching. More at

When we have a real relationship with Jesus (when resurrection meets our life) it changes (redefines) everything. It turns everything upside down and backwards.

Prison is no longer a prison…

in that it is the end of the line, the defeat of hope, the place where nothing is free/alive.

Foreclosure is no longer foreclosure…

in that it is the end of the line, the defeat of dreams, a “lost” situation, where no one is free/alive.

Losing your job is not just losing your job...

When resurrection meets life, every experience holds an opportunity for restoration.

Here's the question: What difference does Jesus make?

One of the most remarkable realities of this story is that Paul and Silas are experiencing the power of Jesus right where they are.

Resurrection is a here and now reality for them.

We usually don’t experience – or even expect to experience – the power of Jesus here and now.

We usually expect Jesus to make a difference at another time and in another place.

Which, tragically, is to render the Gospel of Jesus impotent for today. It’s to refuse to embrac

e the reality of resurrection meeting real life right here and right now.

What difference does Jesus make….right where I am? In the midst of this mess?

If resurrection is a here and now reality (which it is) then every experience holds an oppo

rtunity for new life. For life over death.

When resurrection meets life…It’s upside down and backwards.

When you’re powerless, that’s when you’re truly strong.

When you’re hurting, that’s when you’re able to bring healing to others.

When you’re in prison, you can sing.

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