Monday, October 19, 2009

Resurrection Culture :: Acts 17

While chilling in Athens, waiting for his crew, Paul sees some things that disturb him deeply. Some say he was “irked.” These Athens-folk were not a little bit off. This was one messed up culture.

If Paul were a separatist, he may have thrown up his hands and snipped, “Ah, to hell with them.” But Paul was no separatist.

If Paul’s hope was rooted in military might or political power, he might have snapped some inflammatory photos with his phone and thought up some pithy slogans that would fit will on picket signs and make for good rally chants. But Paul’s hope was in something far greater.

Paul was a resurrection preacher. He knew that bad things, sick things, mean things, heck, even dead things could be filled with new life. Things that were really messed up could be restored and made whole again - like they were created by God to be.

So, Paul took all the broken things that irked him so and made him sad and mad and wonder, “What the heck is wrong with these people?” and used these very things to tell them about Jesus.

Not in an “I’ll show you how stupid you are” way. But in a way that was both totally truthful and also, somehow, affirming.

Instead of saying “you’re so bad.” He said, “You know, you’re on to something here…”

And even in this really messed up culture, “a few” believed and decided to follow Paul and, of course, Jesus.

Paul engaged culture with resurrection. We might call this Resurrection Culture.

[ see/hear the whole teaching at ]

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