Wednesday, June 28, 2006

All Skate

This Sunday our church community is moving to a new location and we're really fired up about it. It's a great move for us for lots of reasons. But one of the more important ones is that the move itself if providing many new opportunities for people to get involved in serving.

We've been having fun with this "get involved" theme by calling it "All Skate."

Did you ever go roller-skating as a kid?

Remember “couple-skate?”

You and your friends would be screaming around the rink, weaving in and out of crowds, having a great time, when suddenly the music would change from something like Devo to Phil Collins, the lights would dim and the DJ would remove 90% of the kids by limiting the rink to “couples” only. Couple skate? Are you kidding me?

The next three and a half minutes would drag on in painful adolescent silence until, with a collective sigh of relief, the lights would brighten, the music would wind up, and the DJ would exclaim, “ALL SKATE!”

And then everyone would pour out onto the floor because everyone is invited to "All Skate."

So anyway someone forwarded a great email from a couple young guys in our community and I wanted to post it because it captures the heart of All Skate!

Here it is:

I'm excited about doing [this specific act of service]. I remember what you said about it being my "guitar"... that is, my way of helping out with the church. What with all the stuff about "all-skate" and the move to Foskett Ranch, I was wondering what I could possibly do to help out, and your suggestion was like saying "I have no money and no time, God. I can't help," and hearing him reply "Yes you can." Thanks.

That's beautiful!

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