Friday, February 10, 2006

Then Moses Blew My Mind

So I'm reading the life of Abraham when it suddenly hits me that this whole record is written by Moses – the law guy, the 10 Commandments guy. It's Moses that writes that Abraham's believing God's affirmation of his calling is credited to him as rightousness.

Is Moses actually saying that Abraham’s fight for faith, his struggle to believe and its successful outcome makes him “right with God” every bit as much as keeping all the commandments of God?

This blows my mind. Moses lays out the 10 commandments, elaborates on things for a couple chapters, then says, "And if we are careful to obey all this law before the LORD our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness." (Dt. 6:25)

But Abraham’s fight for faith is such a remarkable response to crises, his staring down unbelievable odds – I’m 75, my wife is past menopause - and believing that God will keep his promises is so pure and beautiful that Moses writes “that was credited to him as righteousness.”

Apparently, Moses’ main concern is not the nature of Abraham’s faith; it’s Abraham’s willingness to fight for faith.

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